Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Memorial Day

Woke up early on Sunday to catch the parade and do a few errands before heading out for a BBQ at my sister's place. The weather was cooler and standing in the sun was bearable while the Shriners' mini-cars whisked by. Afterwards, the ceremony was a bit awkward with little organization, especially since the master of ceremonies kept tripping up his speeches. However, the Marine Corps Band did a fantastic job playing the national anthem during the raising of the colors.
Eventually, we swung by Best Buy and grabbed a couple of SD cards for the camera. I finally got to the party in time for some fresh turkey hamburgers. A couple hours later and a head full of Forrest Gump, I got home and slumped into my bed. The next day, we had school off so a bunch of my friends and I drove to the beach for some fresh air. The sun beat down on us unmercifully and eventually we had to wade into the murky water of the Sound. We made the mistake of going down to the shore without sandals so ultimately, we all got cuts on our bare feet. Once we got there, the seaweed and mucky sand deterred me from going any further than a few feet into the surf. Now I remember why I hate going to Cove.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Wow, I'd forgotten about this blog...

It's been ages since I last posted... During my hiatus, I somehow went to China and back, and finished my SAT's/AP's. Will update with those events later, but as I have said many times before (or at least implied it), I love to put things off :D

Monday, March 19, 2007

New Blog Here I Come!

Finally got a "public" blog - I guess people outgrew Livejournal, although the network is pretty ideal for communities; Myspace is too sketchy for anything but sharing music samples. Maybe it's just me. It's getting late. Peace.